
Showing posts from January, 2022

Dai Dai flower 玳玳花

  今次要同大家介紹的花叫“玳玳花”,英文是Dai Dai Flower. 它是柑橘屬另一栽培品種Citrus X aurantium amara,無論是香味還是化學成份都跟橙花非常相似。它富含芳樟醇和乙酸芳樟脂,可以對情緒有很好的調節作用: ✅鎮靜情緒💆 ✅舒緩神經緊張 對於皮膚也可以作很好的護理💜: ✅幫助減少細紋和老化 ✅保濕 ✅舒緩受刺激皮膚 其他作用🙆: ✅幫助 ✅適合營造浪漫氣氛 ✅可以加入香水,乳液,其他blend等,是DIY的完美搭檔。 美國🇺🇸已經斷貨~ 所以真係只剩 🔟 支ONLY!! 之後再跟大家分享玳玳花 的recipe 跟用處。

Sleeping Blend with Fragonia

  Fragonia. 之前說過可以很好放鬆的一種精油。今天我們就來做一個睡眠的blend。  精油: Fragonia 芳枸葉 5 滴💧 Roman Chamomile 羅馬洋甘菊 2滴💧 Mandarin 柑橘 3 滴💧 其他材料: - 無香味潤膚乳 步序: 1)將所有材料跟潤膚乳混合。 2)可以當成全身潤膚乳滋潤肌膚,幫助入眠。 Besides respiratory, Fragonia is also famous for its ability to promote a relaxing environment for sleep. Today we will be making a sleep blend for all - adults and kids.  Essential oils: Fragonia  5 drops💧 Roman chamomile 2 drops💧 Mandarin 3 drops💧 Other ingredients: - Unscented aloe and shea body cream Steps: 1) Just mix all the ingredients together with the body cream.  2) Allow it to sink in and lather over for a relaxing pamper before you sleep😴

Copaiba 古巴香脂

  很多媽媽都會問我,有什麼特別的精油介紹,這次,我想介紹另一種我家裡必備的精油: 古巴香脂💜 古巴香脂採用有機種植,以敲打樹幹方法萃取🌴對於樹木會是比較少傷害的一種萃取方法。這種方法萃取的精油含有更多化學物😊亦有更多大的治療特性。特性包括: ✅舒緩肌肉疼痛 ✅保持呼吸道及胸口暢順👃 ✅對胃部不適有平緩作用 ✅具有溫暖的特性 ✅緊緻肌膚,讓皮膚顏色均勻 ✅提振免疫系統😍 古巴香脂跟黑胡椒,羅馬洋甘菊,檀香,乳香和香草非常般配。   想知道更多,聽日我會update一些古巴香脂的recipe,敬請期待💗

Blends with Fragonia 💜

之前介紹過fragonia 呢隻精油。今日我就簡單同大家分享一個recipe。對通鼻塞👃🏻改善上呼吸道感染都好有幫助😍 呢個recipe最重要係kidsafe ✅即係兒童可以安全使用,不過限2️⃣歲以上 使用方法包括可以做成按摩油/balm,以1%濃度睡前塗抹於胸口,可以助眠🌛又能幫助保持呼吸道暢通,係訓教好幫手💘 Fragonia is my go-to oil these days. Today I'll share a recipe by it. Due to its absolutely balanced chemical and aromatic profile📐💐 Most importantly, this recipe is kidsafe 👶🏻meaning kids can use it nicely but only for 2️⃣ years and above ☺️ This recipe can be made into a balm or a massage oil of 1% and rubbed into our little one's chest💆🏻 this blend helps to clear congestion 👃🏻and promotes relaxation before sleep. You can also diffuse it in the bedroom 3️⃣0️⃣ minutes before going in 🛌 #fragonia #sofearoma #sofearomatherapy #營養學家 #兒童芳療 #芳療師 #遊戲治療師 #clinicalaromatherapist #playtherapist #nutritionist #嬰兒按摩導師 #infantmassageinstructor #kidsafe #respiratory #鼻塞 #安全芳療 #芳療好簡單 #精油安全

Essential oils for Grief and Loss

These days, I'm experiencing some grief and loss💔. I'm very well aware that my emotions aren't exactly in their right positions. Therefore today, I finally took out my precious oils for a bit of comfort.  The first one I got was fragonia. Its golden structure of monoterpenols, oxides and monoterpenes makes it a perfect oils for relief and relaxation. However, it has a strong odour so 1 drop is enough💜 The second one I went to is Dai Dai flower🌺. Dai dai is a cultivar of Citrus aurantium 🍊which Neroli is derived, therefore, it is similar to neroli in fragrance. It is rich in linalool and linalyl acetate, making it a very soothing, very calming oil💟. It has a slightly more citrusy tone than Neroli, it's good for people who likes a more orangey profile.  However, when those two combine together, it creates a blend that is quite strong in top notes. Like a soprano singer that sings a little too loud Therefore, I added Australian sandalwood, which is a gentle oi...

Fragonia Essential Oil 芳枸葉

芳枸葉(Fragonia)是萃取自Agonis fragrans (Myrtaceae桃金孃科)末端枝的新精油,直到2001年才正式被植物學命名, Fragonia™ (Agonis fragrans / Taxandria fragrans),屬桃金孃科的常綠灌木,約2.5米高。 它被譽為一種“神奇精油”因為它的化學結構非常平衡,擁有近乎完美的黃金化學比例。法系芳療大師潘威爾Dr. Daniel P´enoël博士在2005年12月的精油研討會中,把它當作頂尖的精油(top position),發現fragonia 基於這個“鐵三角化學比例”,有益于呼吸,免疫同神經三大系統。而且幾次的情緒和心理試驗指出,fragonia 有助身心情緒達到一個微妙的平衡,然後心情變得舒坦。 Fragonia 裡面其中有α-蒎烯、1,8桉油醇、沉香醇等比例接近,讓香氣很像薰衣草混合茶樹和尤加利樹般,使用功能也像茶樹和薰衣草、尤加利一樣溫和與廣泛,在很多兒童問題上都可以發揮效用。 ✅抗微生物、抗真菌、抗病毒 - 可以幫助加快感冒痊癒進程,有效促進免疫系統。 ✅增強免疫係統 - 每天使用在頸部,腋窩,和其他淋巴結位置,可以加強免疫力。 ✅ 良好祛痰性 - 幫助鼻子及胸部/肺部的阻塞。 ✅輕微止痛功能 - 緩解疼痛,包括關節,肌肉,甚至輕微的牙疼。 ✅即時舒緩情緒 - 平衡元素溫和強大,釋放內心負面情緒,幫助身體回復平衡。 - 幫助鎮靜專注力不足或者過度活躍的心智,讓他們定下心來。