Essential oils for Grief and Loss

These days, I'm experiencing some grief and loss💔. I'm very well aware that my emotions aren't exactly in their right positions. Therefore today, I finally took out my precious oils for a bit of comfort. 

The first one I got was fragonia. Its golden structure of monoterpenols, oxides and monoterpenes makes it a perfect oils for relief and relaxation. However, it has a strong odour so 1 drop is enough💜

The second one I went to is Dai Dai flower🌺. Dai dai is a cultivar of Citrus aurantium 🍊which Neroli is derived, therefore, it is similar to neroli in fragrance. It is rich in linalool and linalyl acetate, making it a very soothing, very calming oil💟. It has a slightly more citrusy tone than Neroli, it's good for people who likes a more orangey profile. 

However, when those two combine together, it creates a blend that is quite strong in top notes. Like a soprano singer that sings a little too loud Therefore, I added Australian sandalwood, which is a gentle oil that can relief tension and calm agitated emotions. 

This was a blend that I dropped on a piece of tissue and inhaled deeply. That kept me sane for a period of time. 

Try this blend when you're experiencing loss or grief or when something's just too much to bear. It might come in handy and help you a little💕


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