Blends with Fragonia 💜

之前介紹過fragonia 呢隻精油。今日我就簡單同大家分享一個recipe。對通鼻塞👃🏻改善上呼吸道感染都好有幫助😍
呢個recipe最重要係kidsafe ✅即係兒童可以安全使用,不過限2️⃣歲以上

Fragonia is my go-to oil these days. Today I'll share a recipe by it. Due to its absolutely balanced chemical and aromatic profile📐💐
Most importantly, this recipe is kidsafe 👶🏻meaning kids can use it nicely but only for 2️⃣ years and above ☺️
This recipe can be made into a balm or a massage oil of 1% and rubbed into our little one's chest💆🏻 this blend helps to clear congestion 👃🏻and promotes relaxation before sleep. You can also diffuse it in the bedroom 3️⃣0️⃣ minutes before going in 🛌

#fragonia #sofearoma #sofearomatherapy #營養學家 #兒童芳療 #芳療師 #遊戲治療師 #clinicalaromatherapist #playtherapist #nutritionist #嬰兒按摩導師 #infantmassageinstructor #kidsafe #respiratory #鼻塞 #安全芳療 #芳療好簡單 #精油安全


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