Be My Valentine 情人節精油攻略~



1) 玫瑰🌹- 這個幾乎不需要多介紹。強烈的芬芳讓人放鬆身心,長久以來都是可以用作催情的精油。

2)茉莉🌸 - 對情緒有很好的舒緩作用,而且可以療愈疲憊的心靈,恢復生氣。被譽為“精油之王”,讓消沉的情緒再度重拾自信。非常能夠解決男女“性”的問題的精油,但香氣強烈,需要低劑量適用。

3)依蘭🌷 - 具有調整荷爾蒙的功效,是催情的必備精油之一,可以激發愛情的感覺,所以被譽為“精油之后”。相傳由於可以催情的功效,在印尼有傳統將依蘭的花瓣散在新婚夫婦的床上,意思不言而喻😁

4)雪松🌳 - 很驚奇吧?其實雪松具有很好的放鬆,打敗負面情緒跟舒緩精神緊張的作用,所以有被當做催情精油的歷史,是一種無論男女都會覺得舒服的精油。



- 30 ml 按摩油

- 佛手柑 8 滴

- 乳香 6 滴

- 雪松 4 滴


30 ml 按摩油

- 玫瑰 2 滴

- 依蘭 2 滴

- 廣藿香3 滴

- 岩蘭草 2 滴


同大家介紹返一set我自己非常鐘意的rollon 套裝 - Precious Flower Set。雖然未必可以溝埋用,但除左可以搽pulse points放鬆自己,仲可以當香水將喜歡的玫瑰、茉莉或者橙花香氣隨身帶住💚 有咩自然得過將玫瑰香氣搽係身?💋👇

There's only a few days to Valentine's day and who doesn't want a sensuous time with our loved one? Whether its a sensual massage or a hot bubble bath, we have a few blends to impress 💖

First, there are a few oils you might want to know that are great choices:

1) Rose🌹 - there's no need to introduce. Rose otto / rose absolute has an intense floral aroma that is just aphrodisiac to both men and women, plus its ability to relax prepares you for a wonderful night. 

2) Jasmine -  It is deeply relaxing and has a great reputation of being an aphrodisiac and disperse feelings of anxiety and negativity. It has a very strong aroma and is suggested to use at a low dose.

3) Ylang ylang🌸 - A very uplifting oil and is very arousing. Same as jasmine, it is a famous aphrodisiac and earned its name of being "Queen of Perfumes". Due to its ability to release inhibitions and ease tensions in addition to arousing the olfactory senses, the petals were traditionally scattered on beds of newlyweds in Indonesia. 

4) Cedarwood🌳 - Not alot of people know that it is considered an aphrodisiac as well. But its ability to defeat negativity, nervous tension, anxiety and depression makes it a perfect oil to share with your partner on Valentines.

Anxious to try out some oils but don't know where to start? Here are two blends each for HIM and HER on that special night-out. 

Blends for HIM (2% in 30 ml oil)

- 30 ml massage oil 

- Bergamot essential oil -  8 drops

- Frankincense essential oil -  6 drops

- Cedarwood - 4 drops

Blends for HER (1 % in 30 ml oil):

30 ml massage oil

Rose absolute: 2 drops

ylang ylang : 2 drops

Patchouli :  3 drops

Vetiver : 2 drops

We wish you a Happy Valentines Everyone! 😈

Copyright @ CHI HOI TING 2022. All rights reserved. 


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