Essential Oils after CNY 農曆新年後的精油用途🎋


Happy Chinese New Year everyone! 

Because of the epidemic, everyone is staying home~ I would like to introduce some useful essential oils for you AFTER the Chinese new year~

Germ Destroyer🔪:

Sweet majoram, Spruce, Rosalina. All essential oils that are powerful enough for seasonal threats, but gentle enough for our kids to use. Diffuse 1 - 2 drops in your diffuser for some air freshening. Add 2 - 3 drops in an unscented surface cleaner for a fresh boost. Dilute 1 - 3 % in a carrier oil or in an unscented balm and apply topically to your child's chest for extra protection.

Munchy Stop👄🙅:

With copaiba, grapefruit pink, lemon myrtle, Tumeric CO2 and Yuzu diluted 3% in fractionated coconut carrier oil, this blend helps with hunger cravings, and reduce the desire to snack between meals. With a citrusy aroma, if combined with regular exercise and healthy eating habits, we can beat those love handles after CNY!

Dai Dai Flower🌸

Ok, after all the CNY excitement, maybe we need something calming. Chamomiles might not be an everyone favorite, but I'm sure dai dai will be 😊 As a cultivar of the best-loved Neroli, the floral-citrus aroma just soothes everyone's frazzled nerves. It's abundance in linalyl acetate and linalool allows it to relieve nervous tension. Adding one or two drops in your daily cream routine helps reduce appearance of lines and aging and soothes irritated skin. Perfect for the post-CNY mom look 😈

Lemon🍋 and Spearmint🌿

These two are like best friends for the house. Both of them freshens the air when diffused, can be added into household items to clean the place and gives the mood a real boost 💘 Both of them are kidsafe when used in safe levels and also gives the respiratory system a little cleanout 💪


One of the warming oils that aids digestion, stimulates blood flow and is the perfect companion when you've eaten just a tad too much of those yummy CNY turnip cakes~ 👍

Chinese New Year Blend for the family🎋:

Mandarin 2 drops

Blood / Sweet Orange 2 drops

Spearmint 1 drop


Germ destroyer🔪


Munchy Stop👅

以古巴香脂,紅葡萄柚,檸檬香桃木, 薑黃精油,柚子精油用3%以椰子油稀釋,可以幫助減少需要吃零食的食慾。配合適當的運動跟健康的飲食習慣,那多吃的蘿蔔糕就不用怕了!

Dai Dai flower 玳玳花🌸







橘子🍊 2 滴

甜橙🍊 2 滴

綠薄荷🌿 1 滴


^Essential oils are to be used with caution. The above mentioned is solely for informational purposes and not intended for any therapeutic uses. G6PD individuals, pregnant women or nursing individuals should consult their doctors before using any essential oils or agents. Ingestion of essential oils are not recommended and suitable dilution is suggested before topical application. 



Copyright @ CHI HOI TING 2022. All rights reserved.


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